TIPS to create successful hybrid events – ibentos

TIPS to create successful hybrid events

tips to create successful hybrid events
Restrictions in many places around the world have eased up, and event organizers are once again looking at the possibility of organizing in-person events. As we learned during the pandemic that the virtual event technology is the key to holding great events and therefore, we expect the events industry to turn on to the hybrid mode of conducting events with a mix of virtual and in-person event format.
The benefits of conducting a hybrid event are immense and they are helping event organizers to reach out to a wider audience, gain more sponsors, and conduct eco-friendly events.

Is a Hybrid Event right for you?

This is the first thing you should ask yourself before you go ahead and plan on executing one. If hybrid events will help your business or the virtual mode. There are a few necessary things you must consider before choosing a hybrid event for example, if you are going to receive equal participation from both online and offline participants, budgetary constraints and if the resource persons of the event are scattered. Therefore, before you go ahead and plan out a hybrid event, make sure you are aware as to why you’re choosing hybrid over a virtual event.

Attendees must be aware of how to attend a hybrid event

In case of a combination between virtual and physical event, the audience must be made aware of how to attend the event with the right kind of guide and navigation. Example, for attendees who are based at different geographical locations, the virtual way of attending the event would be most appropriate. For you, organizers must make sure of putting up a navigation video for the attendees’ ease. Secondly, it will also be better for organizers to take the attendees preferred format of event while they register for the event.

Communicate clearly with your attendees

When organizing a large event that has attendees from over the world and different time zones, it is important for organizers to communicate well to the attendees. There should be clear communication for the audience. To ensure smooth coordination, you can reach out to them via the marketing tools present in your virtual event platform.
This can only be accomplished if there is an efficient hybrid event platform in place for your event. A hybrid event platform will ensure that the event is executed successfully by using the best of marketing strategies coupled with virtual events technology.

Collaborate with the panel speakers and attendees

Make sure as organizers you ask the panel speakers and presenters to keep the attendees engaged and energised. One can enable direct interaction, present enthusiastically and accommodate as much as attendees from the Virtual as well as the physical event.
We can say that the most challenging part of a hybrid event is to keep both the Virtual and in-person attendees engaged and energized throughout the event. WIth a reliable and right hybrid event technology, you can efficiently create a virtual space that suits both the type of attendees. As organizers, you can achieve this goal by choosing the right event platform and using all the technology required for your event to have the best of both worlds.

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